
Sunday, 1 May 2016

Rože - Flowers [Card mania #80]

Po enem mesecu je spet čas za izziv pri Card maniji. Tokrat je tema ROŽE. :)
Hello there,
After a month it's time for a new Card mania challenge. The theme is FLOWERS. :)

Kljub tisoč in enemu problemu pri nastajanju te čestitke in končne slike je na koncu bistveno le to, da so v ospredju rože. Kot si verjetno opazila na čestitki manjka napis, nisem se namreč mogla odločiti ali naj dodam rojstnodnevni napis ali ne. Na koncu sem se odločila, da ga dodam tik preden bom čestitko oddala. :)
After thousands of problems with making and photographing this card, the most important thing remain flowers. As you probably noticed the sentiment isn't on the card. I just couldn't decide which one should I add so I left it as it is and I will add it just before I will gave away. :)

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1 comment:

  1. Zelo lepa je. Se mi je zdelo, da ji nekaj še manjka :)


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥