Minil je teden dni in spet je čas za nov izziv pri 52 Christmas card throwdown. Tokrat je naloga nekaj posebnega, izbrati moraš namreč eno skico tega leta in po nje narediti čestitko. :)
Hello there,
One week has passed and it's time for a new challenge at 52 Christmas card throwdown. This challenge it's quite easy since you can choose your favourite sketch from this year and make it into a card. :)
Tukaj je moja, navdihnjena po skici meseca maja:
Here is mine and the sketch it's from May:
Skica je izgledala takole, jaz pa sem jo obrnila za 90 stopinj:
The sketch looked like this and I flipped it for 90 degrees:
Upam, da se nam tudi ta teden pridružiš! :)
Hope you will join us this week! :)
Hvala, da me spremljaš!
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