
Sunday, 18 September 2016

Veliko plasti - Lots of layers [Come and get it #136]

Tudi danes imamo zate pripravljen nov Come and get it izziv. Te že zanima kakšna temo smo izbrale tokrat? :)
Hello there,
As usual we have a new challenge for you at Come and get it. Wanna know what theme have we chosen this time? :)

Moja čestitka izgleda takole:
My card looks like this:

Display our badge...Tokratna tema je VELIKO PLASTI in če me spremljaš veš, da to ni moj stil, ampak sem se potrudila in nastalo je nekaj prikupnega in mislim, da bo tudi prejemnik vesel. :)
This weeks theme is LOTS OF LAYERS and if you are following me you know that this is not my style of card, but I made the best of it and I know the recipient will be happy with it. :)

Seveda ne smem pozabiti na današnjega sponzorja Polka doodles, ki je priskrbel tega prikupnega medvedka. Res ga ni težko pobarvati in vesela sem, da sem ga lahko uporabila. :)
Our sponsor this week is called polka doodles and they send my this gorgeous bear. I really had so much fun coloring it and I'm really glad that I got to use it. :)

To je za danes vse. Hvala, da me spremljaš!
That's it for today. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
You are welcome to visit my facebook page. :)


  1. Lepa vzorčasta papirja si uporabila za ozadje ljubkega medvedka. Krasna voščilnica.

  2. Zelo lepo pobarvan medevedek in super luštna večplastna voščilnica.

  3. Sooo the image peeking out of the circle like that.
    Lynn, CAGI DT Teamie

  4. Sooo the image peeking out of the circle like that.
    Lynn, CAGI DT Teamie


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥