
Saturday, 17 December 2016

Jelenček z darili - The deer and the presents

Naj ti povem, da to objavo pišem s težkim srcem, ampak kdaj se je treba odreči tudi kakšni stvari, ki jo imaš rad. Čeprav sem v Craftin desert divas digi team prišla šele nekaj mesecev nazaj je prišel čas, da se od njega tudi poslovim. Časa imam zaradi faksa premalo za vse obveznosti in zato se mi zdi bolje končati in dati možnost drugim ustvarjalcem, kot nadaljevati in ne dati od sebe 100%.
Hello there,
Let me tell you that I'm writing this post with a really sad feeling, but sometimes you have to give up on some things that you love too. Even though I got to Craftin desert divas digi team just few months ago, it's time for me to leave it. I just don't have enough time to fulfil all the DT work together with my study commitments, that's why I think it's better to give a chance to other designers than continue the work and don't give my 100%.

Še zadnja čestitka izgleda takole:
My last card looks like this:
Kot vidiš sem uporabila prikupnega jelenčka, ki potuje na svojo pot z darili kar brez božička. Pobarvala sem ga z alkoholnimi flomastri in pa z distress blazinicami naredila ozadje. Jelenčka sem nato le še prilepila na osnovo. Voila :)
As you can see I used this cute deer, that is on his way to deliver the presents even without santa. I colored him with alcohol markers and inkblended the background with some distress inks. All that I had yet to do was to add my deer. Voila :)

Še enkrat bi se rada zahvalila celotni ekipi CDD, ki so me podpirali na te moji poti. Upam, da bom kdaj našla dovolj časa in se vam spet pridružila! :)
I would like to thank all the CDD team once again for supporting me. I hope I will find some more time in the future and I will join your great team again! :)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
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  1. Luškan jelenček za slovo od teama.

  2. ooo kako je sladek tale motiv :-)) Zelo lepa voščilnica.

  3. Čudovita voščilnica. Vsako slovo je težko. Verjamem, da te bodo z odprtimi rokami vzeli nazaj.


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥