
Monday 21 May 2018

Pile of gifts - Kup daril

Hello there,
It's time for the first day of sneak peeks for Studio Katia new release! Yaay! :D
Čas je za prvi dan razkritja nove izdaje znamke Studio Katia! Jeeej! :D

Take a look at my first card:
Poglej mojo prvo čestitko:
I decided to go with rainbow coloring of the new Kobi bearing gifts stamp set. Since that means I have a lot of colors in the main image, I decided to make a background in soft gray.
Odločila sem se, da bom odtisek pobarvala v mavričnih odtenkih. Ker to pomeni, da imam na te sliki veliko barv, sem se nato odločila, da ozadje naredim sivo.

The second card:
Še druga čestitka:
This one is a bit more bold, since I decided to make the gifts pop with turquoise and yellow, but I am using the stamp sets as in the first card. :)
Tokrat sem se odločila narediti čestitko nekoliko bolj udarno, zato sem darila pobarvala v močni turkizni in rumeni barvi. Kot pa si najverjetneje opazila sem za izdelavo uporabila enake štampiljke kot zgoraj. :)

For more inspiration from this release check Studio Katia blog. All the new things will be avalible on friday! :)
Za več navdiha pa skoči na Studio Katia blog. Vse nove stvari bodo v trgovini že ta petek! :)

Thanks for visiting my blog!
Hvala, da me spremljaš!

1 comment:

Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥