Smo desetega v mesecu, kar pomeni, da na Cards und more blogu najdeš nov izziv! :)
Hello there,
It's 10th of the month and this means it's time for another challenge at Cards und more blog! :)
Jaz sem pripravila tole:
I made this:
Tema tega meseca so PRIJATELJI oziroma USTVARJALNI PRIJATELJI. Sama sem se odločila, da naredim preprosto čestitko na kateri bosta v ospredju nilska konja in pa modre barve. :)
This months theme are FRIENDS or CRAFTY FRIENDS. I decided to make a simple card where the focus will be on two hippos and blues.
Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Supplies from C&M store:
Joj kolk sta luštna. Se pa opravičujem za redke komentarje. Vse prečekiram, tukaj ali na instagramu ampak vsega posebej mi ne uspe pokomentirat.