Tuesday 14 May 2024

Razprodaja - Destash


Danes se vam oglašam, da vam sporočim, da sem se zaradi prostorske stiske odločila prodati nekaj svojih štampiljk. Julija se nam namreč pridruži še en član, in skrajni čas je, da pripravim otroško sobico. :) 


Today, I am letting you know that I have decided to destash some of my stamps. The reason behind is that I have to make some space in one of  the rooms, so I can prepare a nursery for the baby that is joining our family in July. :)

Vse trenutne izdelke za prodajo sem zbrala na enem mestu v deljeni mapi na pcloudu (podobno kot google drive). Link je zaradi varnosti zaklenjen z geslom.

All the current item that I have for sale I gathered in a folder in pcloud (similar to google drive). The link is password protected for security.

Geslo je / The password is


Link: https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZDQnMZrJCxOHbs0n078S3I0owEhjWVTjXk

Če ti je kakšna stvar všeč mi prosim piši na mail kajcyika.crafts@gmail.com, instagram (kajcyika.crafts) ali pa kar preko facebooka (kajcyika crafts / Kaja Drnovšek).

If you would like to get anything please contact me via email kajcyika.crafts@gmail.com, instagram (kajcyika.crafts) or facebooka (kajcyika crafts / Kaja Drnovšek).

Cene štampiljk so bazirane na velikosti in dejstvu ali so vključene rezalne šablone ali ne. Ob nakupu 5 štampilk, ti šesto najcenejšo podarim. :)

The prices are based on the size of the stamp set and if the dies are included or not. If you buy 5 stamps, I will give you the 6th one (the cheapest one) for free.


Štampiljke manjše od 4x4 / Stamp set smaller than 4x4: 3€ (5€ with dies)

4x4 Stamp set: 4€ (8€ with dies)

4x6 Stamp set: 5€ (10€ with dies)

4x8 Stamp set: 8€ (13€ with dies)

6x8 Stamp set: 13€ (18€ with dies)

Stencil: 2€

Rezalne šablone / Dies: Odvisno od velikosti, ampak največ 1/3 prodajne cene (ponavadi manj)  / Depending on the size, but at max 1/3 of the retail price (usually lower)

Hvala, da mi pomagaš pospraviti sobico in se mi pripraviti na prihod dojenčka. :)

Thanks for helping me clean the room and prepare for the baby arrival. :)


