Tuesday 28 March 2017

Čebelica - Bee

Upam, da uživaš v teh prelepih dneh! Jaz moram priznati, da se kar težko spravim v ustvarjalno sobico, ko je zunaj tako prijetno toploooo. :)
Hello there,
Hope that you are enjoing this sunny days! I have to admit that it's really hard for me to go into my craftroom while the sun is shinning and it's soooo warm outside. :)

Danes imam zate to čestitko:
Today I have this card for you:
Tudi ta mesec je Gerda (iz Gerda Steiner designs) poskrbela za prikupen digi za mesečni izziv. Tokrat nam je pripravila to prikupno čebelico, ki jo vidiš na čestitki. Kar nekaj časa sem razmišljala kako jo postaviti na samo voščilnico in na koncu je nastalo to kar vidiš. :)
As always Gerda (from Gerda Streiner designs) prepared a cuuute little digi for the monthly challenge. As you can see she went with this adorable bee. I was struggeling with layout for this one at first, but in the end this is what I came up with. :)

- GSD monthly
Albhabet: A is for ANYTHING WITH WINGS

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Gerda Steiner design - Bee strong; Lawn fawn - Blue skies
  • Dies: Newton's nook design - Sky borders
  • Markers: Spectrum noir markers – CT1, CT3, CT4, BG9, BG7, BG5
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Soft blue, Ocean blue; Vellum
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam squares
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Acrylic block; Black pen

Saturday 25 March 2017

Miške - Mice

Danes imam zate bolj jesensko čestitko. K taki temi so me nagovorile barve izziva, ki jih boš videla spodaj. :)
Hello there,
Today I have a fall card for you. It's not really fall outside but I really wanted to participate in a color challenge. :)

Kot sem že omenila sem se skoncentrirala na barve in tako sem miški pobarvala z oker barvo in jima dodala listje in pa obleke v ostalih barvah izziva. Da pa sem si čestitko še nekoliko bolj zapletla sem jo naredila še po skici. :)
As I already told you I focused on colors so I colored the mice in ocher and added the leaves and clothes in the other colors from the challenge. To make it even more complicated I decided to participate in a sketch challenge as well. :)

MFT Sketch Challenge 325 #mftstamps
MFT colors #66
MFT sketch #325
Addicted to stamps #234: CLEAN AND SIMPLE

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: My favorite things - Harvest mouse
  • Dies: Memory box - Puffy clouds
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 061 Light brown, 260 Deep red, 060 Brown, 037 Cornflour blue, 042 Torquoise blue
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper; Vellum
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush; Corner rounder; Black pen

Friday 24 March 2017

10 čestitk! - 10 cards!

Danes sem za objavo na Jane's doodles blogu izdelala kar 10 čestitk in upam, da si boš prebrala zakaj! :)
Hello there,
Today I am on Jane's doodles blog and I made 10 cards. I hope you will read more why I made so many! :)

Vse izgledajo pribljižno takole:
Every cards looks like this:
Povabim te k ogledu videa same izdelave čestitk. V njem najdeš tudi kar nekaj informacij o akciji zbiranja čestitk v kateri sodelujem. :)
You can watch the how to video bellow with some info about card drive that I am participating in with these cards. :)

Vse te čestitke so namenjene Dašini akciji zbiranja čestitk, s prodajo katerih se bo zbiral denar za zavetišče, kjer je ona dobila svojo psičko. Zelo lepoooo vas povabim, da sodelujete tudi ve! Več informacij pa tukaj:
All these cards are for Daša's card drive, where she is collecting cards for the animal shelter where she got her dog. I would be really glad if you would check out her side for more info and send some cards yourself! More info here:

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Jane's doodles - Dogs, Cake
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Stitched rectangles; Newton's nook designs – Sky borders
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 096 Mid gray, 065 Mid brown, 021 Light carmine, 091 Light gray, 063 Ochre
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper; Neenah - Desert storm; Mavelu - Sweet little baby
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush

Sunday 19 March 2017

V višave - In the heights

Danes imamo zate nov Come and get it izziv in tokrat bo reees preprost! Obljubim ;)
Hello there,
Today we have a new Come and get it challenge for you and it will be really eassssy one! I promise ;)

Moja čestitka je ta:
My card looks like this:
Tokratna tema je KARTKOLI in jaz sem se tokrat odločila narediti malo bolj nevtralno čestitko, ki jo lahko podariš kateremu koli spolu. Odločila sem se 'ponoviti in malo spremeniti' svojo lastno čestitko izpred parih mesecev. Lahko uganeš katero? :)
This weeks theme is ANYTHING GOES and I decided to make a card that is a bit more neutral and that you can send to eather sex. I CAS(e)d my own card from few months ago.. Can you guess which one? :)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Lawn fawn - Blue skies; Wplus9 - Strictly sentiments 2
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Stitched rectangles
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 042 Turqouise green, 040 Green, 031 Cobalt blue, 072 Beige, 075 Brick beige
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Gray; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush

Saturday 18 March 2017

Božični medo - Christmas bear

Si pripravljena na naslednji Christmas card throwdown izziv? :)
Hello there,
Are you ready for the next Christmas card throwdown challenge? :)

Jaz sem ustvarila tole:
I made this:
Tokrat so na vrsti barve in jaz sem se odločila uporabiti prikupnega medvedka, ki se pripravlja da postavi novoletno drevesce. Prikupno, kaj ne? :)
It's time for colors and I decided to use this adoreble bear that is holding a Christmas tree. Cute, right? :)
ABC Christmas: G is for GIFTS
Addicted to stamps #223: HOLIDAY

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Altenew ink - Velvet
  • Stamps: Newton's nook designs - Winston's home for Christmas
  • Dies: Newton's nook designs - Sky borders; Lawn fawn - Stitched scalloped borders
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 051 Lemon yellow, 060 Brown, 024 Wine red, 072 Beige
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paperMavelu - Structured white paper
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush; Corner rounder

Thursday 16 March 2017

Poletje! - Summer!

Ob tako lepem sončku kot je danes me je poneslo v poletje in nastala je spodnja čestitka. :)
Hello there,
We have a really beautiful sunny day here in Slovenia so I decided to make a card with summer theme. :)

Samega pingvinčka in palmo si lahko že nekaj dni nazaj videla na mojem instagramu ( kajcyika.crafts ) saj poteka 30 dnevni izziv barvanja. Tako je ostalo samo še da oblikujem ozadje in vse skupaj prilepim na osnovo. :)
I colored the penguin and the palm tree few days ago for instagram 30 day coloring challenge ( you can find me on istragram as kajcyika.crafts ). The only thing left to do was to make a background and glue everything on a card base. :)

MFT sketch #324
Just add ink #351: JUST ADD L (L is for Liquor (the coctail), Lemon-yellow color of the circle, a small Lemon on the coctail and of course - Licking of the ice-cream! And maybe even Luxury. :D )

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Memento - Tuxido black
  • Stamps: My favorite things - Penguins in paradise
  • Dies: My favorite things - Pierced circles; Lawn fawn - Stitched scalloped borders; Stitched borders; Sizzix - Scalloped circle
  • Markers: Spectrum noir markers – CR2, CR4, CG4, GB3, CT3, CT4, TB8; COPIC markers – YG25, EG37
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Yellow; Neenah - Desert storm; Mavelu - Sweet little baby
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam squares
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Acrylic block

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Brezčrtno barvanje na naravnem papirju - No line coloring on kraft [video]

Danes lahko mojo čestitko najdeš na Jane's doodles blogu! Upam, da si jo boš ogledala! :)
Hello there,
Today you can find my card on Jane's doodles blog! Hope that you will check it out! :)

Odločila sem se prizkusiti novo tehniko - barvanje brez črt na naravnem papriju! Več o tem pa v spodnjem videu. :)
I decided to try a new technique - no line coloring on kraft. More about it you can find in the video. :)


Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Altenew - Rocky shore
  • Stamps: Jane's doodles – Home sweet home
  • Dies: Najlepši par – Romantique rectangles, Stitched rectangles
  • Markers: Spectrum noir markers – TN2, TN3, CR1, BG3, CR3, CR4, IB2; COPIC markers – YG25
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Light blue; Neenah - Desert storm; Vellum
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Ranger - Multi medium matte
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Stablio - White pencil; Acrylic block

Saturday 11 March 2017

Živjo prijateljica - Hello, friend

Danes imam zate spet prikupna ježka. Tokrat imata ob sebi kar nekaj želodov. :)
Hello there,
Today I have two cute hedgehogs for you. This time they have some acorns with them. :)

Tudi tokrat sem ježka odtisnila na akvarelni papir in ju pobarvala z ZIG floamstri. Dodala sem še papir z vzorčki in na koncu vse skupaj prilepila na osnovo. Hitro in zabavno. :)
I stamped my hedgehogs on a watercolor paper and colored them with zigs. I added some patterned paper and in the end I glue everything together on a card base. Quick an fun! :)

MFT sketch #323
Cupcake inspirations #397
Addicted to stamps #232: MAKE YOUR MARK

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Distress ink – Cracked pistachio
  • Stamps: My favorite things - Happy hedgehogs
  • Dies: /
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 065 Mid brown, 062 Dark brown
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper; Hofer - Patterned paper; Mavelu - Structured paper
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Pilot - Black pen; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush; Corner rounder

Friday 10 March 2017

Jane's doodles blog hop & giveaway


Dober mesec je na okoli in spet je čas za novo izdajo Jane's doodles štampiljk kar seveda pomeni tudi blog hop. Tokrat nam je Jane pripravila tri nove sete FUNNY BUNNY - Smešn zajček, SUZI'S EASTER - Suzina velika noč in pa HE IS RISEN - Vstal je. Vsi so nekoliko praznično obarvani in sigurno ti bodo všeč! :)
Hello there,
Today we have prepared a new Jane's doodles release blog hop where you can find 3 brand new stamp sets FUNNY BUNNY, SUZI'S EASTER and HE IS RISEN. They are more or less easter themed but you will love them! :)

Poglej, kaj vse imam jaz pripravljeno zate:
Look at what I have prepared:

Tokrat na žalost nisem imela dovolj časa za video, ti pa zato vsako pokažem nekoliko pobližje. :)
Unfortunatly I didn't have enough time to do a video this time, but I will show you every card a bit closer down bellow. :)

Prva čestitka izgleda takole:
The first one looks like this:
Glavni element je tukaj set He is risen. Ozadje sem maskirala s post it note listki in pa jih nato senčila z distress blazinicami. Samo štampiljko pa sem odtisnila na akvarelni papir in pobarvala z vodnimi flomastri. 
The main element is the set He is risen. I made the background with post it notes and some inkblending with my distress inks. The stamped image is colored with ZIGs. 

Druga izgleda takole:
And the second one looks like this:
Tukaj sem uporabila set Suzi's easter. Ta čestitka je pravzaprav drsečka in kot lahko vidiš na spodnjih slikah se zajček veselo sprehaja iz enega konca čestitke na drugega. :)
Here I used the Suzi's easter set.This card is actually a slider and as you can see on the pictures bellow the bunny goes left and right on the card. :)

Še zadnja čestitka pa je ta:
The last but not least:

Tukaj pa sem se odločila uporabiti Funny bunny in pa čim več jajčk, nisem pa se mogla upreti temu, da bi ptiček barval enega izmed njih. :)
Here I decided to use Funny bunny and as many eggs as possible and I just couldn't resist to add a bird coloring one of the eggs. :)

Če si tudi ti želiš teh štampiljk -ali pa katerih drugih- potem se nam pridruži in skoči do vsake dizajnerke. Z vsakim komentarjem si namreč priskrbiš možnost osvojitve kompleta štampiljk Jane's doodles po tvoji izbiri. Jaz bi na tvojem mestu že pisala komentar. :D
If you want to have one of these stamps -or any other set- you should join us and hop along. With every comment you get a chance to win one stamp set from Jane's doodles of your choice. If I were you I would be leaving those comments as soon as possible! :D
Tukaj lahko najdeš zaporedje hopa:
Here you can find the order of the hop:

Kaja <- Tukaj si / You are here
Jane's doodles blog <- Tvoja naslednja postaja / Your next stop

Zmagovec bo znan zelo kmalu, tako da pohiti! Za to priložnost pa je Jane pripravila še super akcijo -20% na vse sete štampiljk. Zato pokukaj še v trgovino, ne bo ti žal. :)
The winner will be announced really soon, so you better hurry! But that's not all. Jane made a special sale -20% of all clear stamp sets, so you should really check the shop too! You won't be sorry. :)

Res upam, da se nam pridružiš! Uživaj v skakanju po blogih. :)
I really hope you will hop along! Have fun hopping. :)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Distress ink – Mustard seed, Scattered straw, Shaded lilac; Lawn fawn - Mermaid ink
  • Stamps: Jane's doodles - Funny bunnySuzi's easterHe is risen.
  • Dies: Lawn fawn - Slide on over
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 1ST CARD - 052 Bright yellow, 044 Deep green, 021 Light carmine, 062 Dark brown, 097 Pale gray – 2ND CARD – 041 Light green, 036 Light blue, 052 Bright yellow, 021 Light carmine, 072 Beige, 051 Lemon yellow - 3RD CARD - 052 Bright yellow, 041 Light green, 036 Light blue, 021 Light carmine, 062 Dark brown, 097 Pale gray
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles; Double sided foam tape; Double sided foam squares; Quickie - Glue pen
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Pilot - Black pen; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush; Corner rounder; Post it - Stickies, MFT slider elements

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Pomlad? - Spring?

Pomlad že trka na vrata in temu je primerna tudi moja današnja čestitka. :)
Hello there,
Spring is almost here so my card for today is all about spring. :)

Zajčka sem že nekaj dni nazaj pobarvala za 30 dnevni izziv barvanja, sedaj pa je kočno našel svoje mesto na tej pomladni voščilnici. :)
I colored the bunny few days ago for a the daily marker 30 day challenge and it finally made it on this spring card. :)

Addicted to stamps #232: MAKE YOUR MARK
All sorts #405: SPRING
Alphabet challenge: Z for ZERO EMBELLISHMENT
The paper players #334: CUT IT OUT (fussy cutting and die cutting)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!


  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Distress ink – Twisted citron
  • Stamps: Mama elephant - Pix's favorites, Jane's doodles - Suzi's easter; Waffle flower - Ballon messages
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Stitched rectangles
  • Markers: ZIG clean color brush markers – 052 Bright yellow, 094 Gray brown, 021 Light carmine, 051 Lemon yellow 
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Pink; Derwent – 300g smooth watercolor paper
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Kuretake - Water brush; Scissors; Acrylic block; White gel pen, Post it note stickies

Sunday 5 March 2017

Deklica z zajčkom - A girl with a bunny

Čas je tudi za naslednji Come and get it izziv. :)
Hello there,
It's time for next Come and get it challenge. :)

Poglej mojo čestitko:
Look at my card:
Tokrat je tema OTROŠKA ČESTITKA. Sama sem se odločila, da pobarvam prikupno punčko z medvedkom našega sponzorja in dodam napis vse najboljše. :)
This weeks theme is CARDS FOR KIDS. I decided to color a image from our sponsor and add the sentiment that reads Happy birthday. :)

Alphabet challenge: Z for ZERO EMBELLISHMENT
Addicted to stamps #251: ANYTHING GOES

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Distress ink - Hickory smoke
  • Stamps: Paper nest dolls - Some bunny loves you; Jane's doodles - Cake
  • Dies: /
  • Markers: Spectrum noir alcohol markers – BT4, BT5, LG3, LG5, FS3, CR1, EB3, EB4, GB9, TN2, BG3, BG5
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White
  • Adhesive: Double sided foam tape
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; White gel pen, Pilot - Black pen