Monday 29 May 2017

Poleeeetje - Suuuummer

V teh dneh pa je zunaj čisto pravo poletje zato je tudi moja čestitka čisto poletna.. :)
Hello there,
It's really hot here these days, so I decided to make a summer card which is perfect for this kind of days.. :)

Sketch Challenge 334 #mftstampsČestitka v sebi skriva več tehnik, ampak mislim, da bi najraje izpostavila kar sončno ozadje, ki je bilo izdelano z distress ink blazinicami in nekaj samolepilnimi lističi. Zdi se mi, da me je ta čestitka kar nekako ponesla v poletje! Pa tebe? :)
The card was made with quite some techniques but I would like to point out the inkblended sun in the back that was made using Distress inks and some post it notes. It really made you feel like summer is already here, doesn't it? :)

MFT sketch #334

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Distress ink: Squeezed lemonade, Spiced marmelade, Salty ocean
  • Stamps: My favorite things - Penguins in peradise
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Romantuque squares
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 041 Light green, 040 Green, 061 Light brown, 067 Mustard, 036 Light blue, 096 Mid gray, 093 Green gray, 070 Orange
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Light brown; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper; Lawn fawn - Perfectly plaid 
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles; Double sided foam tape
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush; Post it notes

Sunday 28 May 2017

Navtično - Nautical

Čas je za nov izziv Come and get it in mi smo že pripravljene na poletje! :)
Hello there,
It's time for another Come and get it challenge and we are ready for summer! :)

Moja čestitka izgleda takole:
My card looks like this:
Tema tega tedna je NAVTIČNO in sama sem se odločila, da prikupno dekle pobarvam v mornarske barve in ji tako dodam še malo mornarskega pridiha. :)
This weeks theme is NAUTICAL and I decided to color this cute girl in a navy colors to make it a bit more interesting. :)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; SSS - Midnight green; Distress ink - Stormy sky, Salty ocean
  • Stamps: Altenew - Birthday greetings; Paper nest dolls - Emma with anchor
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Scalloped stitched frames
  • Markers: Spectrum noir markers - CR8, DR5, TB7, TB4, GG1, GG2, GG3, FS3, CR1
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Dark gray
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape, Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; White - Gel pen

Saturday 27 May 2017

Šopek - A bouquet

Upam, da uživaš v tem sončnem vikendu. Sama imam sicer nekaj dela z obveznostmi za faks, ampak vseeno poskušam uživati kar se da. :)
Hello there,
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend. I have some studies to do this weekend but I am trying to enjoy it anyways. :)

Nastalo je tudi tole:
I made this:
Tudi ta mesec sodelujem pri Gerda Steiner designs izzivu in tokrat so nam pripravili prikupno dekle s šopkom. Sama sem se odločila, da jo postavim kot osrednji element in ji dodam obleko iz potiskanega papirja, da jo malo poživi. :)
I made this card for this month Gerda Steiner designs challenges and they gave us this cute girl to work with. I decided to put her at the center and add a paperpieced dress to make it a bit more interesting. :)

GSD monthly
Craftalnica #186: ŠOPEK CVETJA
Time out #84: FLOWERS AND FRIENDS make life a garden

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Distress ink - Cracked pistaccio; SSS - Mint; Altenew - Mocca
  • Stamps: Altenew - Birthday greetings
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Stitched frames
  • Markers: Spectrum noir markers - CT3, CT4, CR4, CR6, FS6, YG3, GB3, OR1, LV1, CG4
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Blue, Coco
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape, Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; White - Gel pen

Thursday 25 May 2017

Prikupna zajčka - Adorable bunnies

Zadnje čase se mi zdi, da vse preveč poskušam narediti, kakšno čestitko na silo, ker želim, da bi bila všeč drugim.. Ravno zaradi tega sem se danes odločila, da spet naredim eno tako čestitko samo za mojo dušo.. Preprosto, a vseeno nadvse prikupno! :)
Hello there,
These days I feel like I am trying too much to please others when making my cards and I don't enjoy it as much as I usually do.. That's the reason why I have decided to make a card just for my soul.. Really simple one but cute as hell! :)

Najprej sem izrezala kvadratka in nato sem na njunih notranjih delih izdelala sceno. Vse skupaj sem pobarvala z alkoholnimi flomastri in prilepila skupaj z nekaj 3D penice. Dodala sem še napis in moja prikupna čestitka je bila že končana. :)
First, I diecutted the frames and made a scene in the inter piece. I colored everything with alcohol markers and glued it togerher with a doublesided foam adhesive. In the end I just added the sentiment and this cute card was all finished. :)

All sorts #416: HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Cardmania #92: LIFE IS COLORFUL
Tuesday throwdown #344: ANYTHING GOES

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Memento - Tuxido black; Distress ink - Cracked pistaccio
  • Stamps: My favorite things - Up in the air, Somebunny
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Romantique squares
  • Markers: Spectrum noir markers - JG3, JG4, MB1, MB3, AB2, AB3, BT4, BT5, CR5, CR8, BO4, RB2, GG1, GG2
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Gray
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape, Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; White - Gel pen

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Nežen metulj - Soft butterfly

Kar nekaj časa sem odlašala in se prepričevala, da teh prelepih metuljev Najlepšega para ne rabim, ker večkrat uporabljam štampiljke, kot izrezke. Na koncu sem jih le kupila in sedaj je iz njih nastalo že toliko čestitk, da ne vem zakaj sem oklevala! :)
Hello there,
I wanted a die for this beautiful Butterfly from Najlepši par quite some time, but I tried to convince myself that I don't need it because I use stamps more than dies. In the end I finally got it and I am soooo glad I did cause I made a lot of cards with it already! :)

Ena izmed njih je tale:
This is one of those cards:
Kot vidiš je izdelava res hitra. Izrezala sem siv pravokotnih z vijugami in na sredini izrezala še metuljevo sled. Metuljček je bil sestavljen v hipu, saj šablone kar padejo skupaj. Dodala sem še napis in ta preprosta čestitka je bila končana. :)
As you can see this is really a quick card. I diecutted a scalloped rectangle and added the beautiful butterfly. In the end I just stamped the sentiment and this quick and easy card was all finnished! :)

The paper players #345: CAS BUTTERFLY
Stamp ink paper #100: CARDMAKERS CHOICE (I am in looooove with this butterfly die right now!)
Tuesday throwdown #344: ANYTHING GOES

Ker sem uporabila šablone Najlepšega para, to čestitko lepim še v Galerijo meseca Maja.
Because I used the dies from Najlepši par, I am added this card to the galery of the month of May.

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Altenew - Birthday greetings
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Srčni metulji, Pravokotniki z vijugami
  • Markers: /
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Gray, Light blue, Black; Vellum
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Ranger - Multimedium matte
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Acrylic block

Saturday 20 May 2017

To bee or not to bee Blog hop & GIVEAWAYS

Danes sodelujem v prav posebnem blog hopu - To bee or not to bee, kjer so pomembne predvsem čebelice! :D
Hello there,
Today I am participating in To bee or not to bee blog hop, where it's all about bees! :D

Jaz sem pripravila tole čestitko:
I made this card: 
S skakljanjem po blogih želimo podpreti Slovenijo, ki želi 20.maj razglasiti za dan čebel! Ali veš, da so čebele v živalskem kraljestvu zelo posebne, saj imajo za vodjo žensko čebelo - matico (Ponavadi so namreč vodje moški). Jaz poznam samo še eno živalsko vrsto, kjer skupino prav tako vodi ženska - sloni! :)
With this blog hop we want to support Slovenia which wants to declare the 20th of may the day of bees! Did you know that bees are quite special in a animal kingdom because they have a woman for a leader - Queen bee (usually males are the leaders). I know for only one other species that have a women leader - elephants! :)

Podeljenih bo kar 14 RAZLIČNIH NAGRAD! Vse kar moraš narediti je, da do 27. maja komentiraš na objavo na vsaki postaji hopa, ki ga lahko najdeš spodaj. Zmagovalce bo Milka razglasila 31. maja na njenem blogu. :)
There will be 14 DIFFERENT GIVEAWAY PRIZES! All you need to do is to comment on every stop of the hop until 27th of may (you can find the list bellow). The winners will be posted on Milka's blog on the 31st of may. :)

Kaja Vezensek <- You are here
Tina Pavlovic <- Your next stop

Res upam, da se nam pridružiš! Uživaj v skakanju po blogih. :)
I really hope you will hop along! Have fun hopping. :)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Lawn fawn - Bee mine; Paper smooches - Spring groves
  • Dies: Najlepši par - Scalloped frames
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 050 Yellow, 023 Scarlet red, 041 Light gray, 081 Light violet, 200 Sugared almond pink, 303 Shadow mauve, 053 Yellow green
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper; Neenah - Desert storm
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles; Double sided foam tape
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Pilot - Black pen; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush; Embossing folder

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Dve tehniki - Two techniques [video]

Naj ti povem, da kamera končno deeeeela! Kar pomeni, da imam zate nov video. :D
Hello there,
Let me tell you that my camera finally works again! That means that I finally have a new video for you. :D

Ustvarila sem tole:
I made this:
Tokrat ti pokažem kar dve tehniki! Prva je sestavljanje s papirja, druga pa kako narediti čisto svojo šablono. Več v videu! :)
I will show you two techniques this time! Frist one is paper piecing and the second thing is how to make your own stencil. More in the video! :)


Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Memento - Tuxido black; Distress oxide - Broken china
  • Stamps: My favorite things - Up in the air
  • Dies: My favorite things - Cloud 9; Najlepši par - Stitched rectangles, Scalloped rectangles 
  • Markers: Spectrum noir markers - GG1, GG2, GG3, GG5, FS6
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, dark gray; My favorite things - Dots & Stripes Bright Paper Pack, Derwent - Smooth watercolor paper
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape, Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; White - Gel pen, Watercolor brush

Monday 15 May 2017

Muca na blazini - A cat on a pillow

Čeprav sem zadnje čase malo odsotna iz bloga, obljubim da se bom potrudila spet objavljati čim več. :)
Hello there,
Even though I am a bit unactive on the blog I will try to post as much as possible again. :)

Danes sem naredila tole:
Today I made this:
Tokrat sem se spet odločila uporabiti prikupno živalico - Mucko. Postavila sem jo na ovalno sceno in jo nalepila na papir v naravni barvi. Dodala sem še napis in pa vse prilepila na osnovo. :)
This time I decided to use another cutie - cat. I put it on the oval scene and glued it on my kraft piece of paper. In the end I added the sentiment and taped it to the card base. :)

Sketch Challenge 332 #mftstamps
MFT sketch #332
Seize the birthday: CREATURES OR ANIMALS
Addicted to stamps #241: ANYTHING GOES

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black; Versamark - Sticky ink
  • Stamps: My favorite things - Cool cat
  • Dies: Sizzix ovals; My favorite things - Cloud 9, Grassy fields; Lawn fawn - Stitched borders
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 093 Green gray, 303 Shadow mauve, 042 Turwuoise green
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, dark green, black; Neenah - Desert storm
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; White - Gel pen, Watercolor brush

Sunday 14 May 2017

Materinski dan - Mother's day

Čas je za nov Come and get it izziv! :)
Hello there,
It's time for another Come and get it challenge! :)

Jaz sem ustvarila tole:
I made this:
Ker ima danes veliiiko držav MATERINSKI DAN je tokratni izziv namenjen ravno te temi - vošičilnicam za naše mame. :)
Today is MOTHER'S DAY in many countries around the globe and we can't wait to see what you have prepared for your mom. :)

Danes sem se odločila, da čestitko pustim dokaj preprosto. Pobarvala sem rožice in jih nato le na eni strani obrezala, da izgledajo nekoliko bolj zanimivo. Vse skupaj sem nato prilepila na zelen papir in odtisnila še napis. :)
Today I decided to make quite a simple card. I colored the flowers and fussy cut them only on one side, to add a bit of interest. I glued everything on green patterned paper and the last thing was to stamp the sentiment. :)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Pickled potpourri - Southern flowers
  • Dies: Jane's doodles - Mother's day
  • Markers: Spectrum noir - LV1, LV2, CT3, LG3
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Mavelu - Sweet little baby
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape
  • Embellishments: Yellow dots
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; Black washi; Pilot - Black pen

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Zlate lilije - Gold lilies

Končno sem nazaj iz počitnic in čas je za novo objavo za na Jane's doodles blog! :)
Hello there,
I am finally back from my vacation and it's time for another post for Jane's doodles blog! :)

Na žalost mi kamera noče snemati videov, tako da bo danes opis izdelave le napisan. :(
My camera doesn't want to film, so I will just write down the card process here. :(

Tokrat sem se lotila nekoliko bolj elegantne in strukturirane čestitke. Na črn papir sem s črno blazinico odtisnila in nato s prozornim strukturnim prahom embosirala lilije (brez embosiranja zlata barva prekrije tudi odtisnjene črte, tako pa se jim lepo izogne). Nato sem uporabila Kuretake Gansai tambi barvo v zlati barvi, pri čemer sem uporabila kar se da malo vode, saj papir na katerem sem barvala ni akvarelni. Vse skupaj sem nato prilepila na enak črn papir, na katerem sem prej izrezala še kvadrat in mu spodaj embosirala ter pozlatila še malo pikic. Na koncu je manjkal le še napis in čestitka je bila končana. :)
This time I made a card that is a bit more elegant and structured than usual. First, I stamped and embossed the lily images on my black paper (the gold color would cover the stamped lines without the embossing). Next, I used the Kuretake Gansai tambi watercolor in gold. I used as little water as possible since I used normal black cardstock that isn't meant to be used as watercolor paper. I glued everything on the main backgorund black piece on which I embossed and colored some dots. The last thing was a sentiment and the card was all finnished! :)

Stempelkueche #69: FLOWERS (I hope this is a right translation :D)

Make my monday #45: MAY FLOWERS
Simon says stamps: GOING DOTTY (dots are in the background)
Addicted to stamps #241: ANYTHING GOES

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Jane's doodles - Lily
  • Dies: Simon says stamp - Congrats; Najlepši par - Romantique squares
  • Markers: /
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White, Black; Vellum
  • Adhesive: Double sided tape; Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; Clear embossing powder; Kuretake - Gansai tambi Gold; Darice - Dots embossing folder; Brush #2

Monday 1 May 2017

Božična štampiljka v ne praznični izvedbi - A Christmas stamp in a non-holiday way [video]

Danes sem se odločila, da ti pokažem še zadnjo čestitko za moje gostovanje pri Newton's nook. :)
Hello there,
I decided that I will show you the card I made for the last blog post as a guest designer at Newton's nook. :)

Pokazala ti bom kako uporabiti Božično štampiljko v neprazničnem smislu. :)
Today we will talk about how to use your Chritmas stamps in a non-christmas way. :)

Čestitka na koncu izgleda takole:
The finished card looks like this:

Seveda pa bo najlažje, da si pogledaš kar video izdelave. :)
I have prepared a video tutorial for you so check it out. :)

Na spodnji sliki lahko vidiš, kaj sem na štampiljki spremenila in to lahko primerjaš s končnim izdelkom zgoraj. Za lažjo predstavo in pa razlago pa si poglej še video. :)
Here you can see what I have changed on the stamp and you can compare it to the finished stamp above. I explain everything in a video so make sure you watch it. :)

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
  • Inks: Versafine - Onyx black
  • Stamps: Newton's nook – Newton's happy mailWinston's home for Christmas
  • Dies: /
  • Markers: ZIG clean color real brush - 094 Gray brown, 091 Light gray, 096 Mid gray, 303 Shadow mauve, 038 Peacock blue, 044 Deep green, 051 Lemon yellow, 065 Mid brown
  • Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Derwent - 300g smooth watercolor paper
  • Adhesive: Double sided foam rectangles
  • Embellishments: /
  • Other: Scissors; White gel pen; Acrylic block; Kuretake - Water brush; Pilot - Black pen; Black marker; Wink of Stella - Clear