Sunday 30 August 2015

Prazniki v oranžnem

Spet je mimo nekaj dni in našla sem čas, da sem naredila še nekaj čestitk. :)

Današnja je spet praznična, ampak sem se odločila uporabiti barve, ki niso tako tipične za konec leta. Tukaj je:

Z njo se prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
FMS #201 kjer je skica naslednja:

Hvala, da me spremljaš!



Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
You are welcome to visit my facebook page. :)


  1. Fabulous Christmas card using non-traditional colors. So bright and cheerful. Thanks so much for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  2. The colors may not be typical, but they are wonderfully happy and festive!! LOVE the tree. Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  3. GREAT take on the sketch! Lovely monochromatic design. I adore the silver details in this! So glad that you join the fun over Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Anything Goes” Challenge!


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥