Wednesday 28 October 2015

Štirje pobarvani baloni

Tokrat sem se spet odločila za preprosto čestitko in mislim, da mi je kar dobro uspela. Sama sem namreč nora na tole Tinino šablono balonov, ki so tako prikupni, da bi bilo greh, če jih ne bi uporabljala. :)

Najprej sem akvarelni papir na enkrat pobarvala z vsemi barvami, ampak je na koncu vse izpadlo zelooo rjavo, tako da sem se odločila, da postopek ponovim nekoliko drugače. Najprej sem na akvarelni papir nanesla rumeno barvo, nato pa še ostale. Barvala sem z vsako barvo posebaj in vmes papir sušila z grelo napravo (moja nova zelo uporabna pridobitev! :D). Tokrat je papir izpadel točno tako kot sem želela in tudi baloni so bili zato lepo packasti.

Na koncu sem dodala še nekaj pol perl in odtisnila napis in čestitka je bila končana. :)

Z njo se prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
Less is more #247 : SKETCH                      
Colour me #95                                           

Hvala, da me spremljaš!



Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
You are welcome to visit my facebook page. :)


  1. o ja, zelo zelo lepa, obožujem take.

  2. Me veseli, da sem našla tvoj blog. vidim, da tudi pri tebi brez packanja ne gre. jaz ga naravnost obožujem. In ja, vmesno sušenje barve da povsem drugačne rezultate, drugače se barve vse zmešajo. Dobro so izpadli ti baloni.

  3. wonderful take on the sketch and well done for combiing two

  4. Nice card! Thanks for playing with us at Brown Sugar Challenge this week!
    Good luck!
    Giada DT

  5. Beautiful, classy and elegant.
    Great work on the BG for the hearts and a clever take on the sketch
    thanks so much for playing along this week!
    Sarah xx
    Less is More

  6. Hi,

    Wauw, stunning card. Thanks for joining us at BSC

    *DT Brown Sugar Challenge*

  7. What a super CAS card! I love the paper you created for your balloons.
    Thank you for joining us
    "Less is More"

  8. Beautiful card thanks for sharing it with us in the Brown Sugar Challenge, Karen DT

  9. This is really sweet, what lovely inking on the diecuts!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  10. What a fantastic birthday card!! Love the use of the balloons for your sketch as well as the use of the challenge colors- thanks for playing along with us at Colour Me!

  11. What a wonderful card, love the effects you created on your die cut balloons, and a great use of our sketch.
    Sorry for the late visit!
    Thanks for sharing with us.
    Anita x
    Less is More

  12. What a lovey design, Kajcyika! Marbled balloons are just gorgeous! Thank you for playing along with us at Colour Me!

  13. Great technique on those fab birthday balloons! Thanks so much for joining us at Colour Me...!


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥