Saturday 6 February 2016

Zelena smreka - green christmas tree [52 Christmas card throwdown February Sketch]

Februar se je že dobro začel in prišel je tudi prvi februarski izziv pri 52 Christmas card throwdown. Spet je na vrsti skica in današnja izgleda takole:
Hi there,
February is already here and it's time for first february challenge at 52 Christmas card throwdown.
It sketch time and todays sketch looks like this:

Odločila sem se, da bom uporabila božično drevesce in do potankosti naredila vse po skici. To je moja čestitka:
I decided that I would use the Christmas tree like it is on the sketch, so you can see my card here:

Zadnje čase res uživam v packanju, tako da je tudi ta čestitka narejena z vodno tehniko. :)
This days I really enjoy making a mess so this card is made with watercolouring technique. :)

Upam, da se nam pridružiš pri izzivu tudi ti! Saj veš.. Prazničnih čestitk ni nikoli preveč!
I hope you will join us at the challenge! You know.. There is no such thing as too many holiday cards!

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
You are welcome to visit my facebook page. :)


  1. Res si do potankosti upoštevala skico. Lepa voščilnica je nastala.

  2. This is just lovely! I adore the shades of green (snap) and the clean, simplicity of your design. Great take on the sketch. xxx

  3. Tole je pa prava preslikava skice.
    Všeč mi je prepletanje različnih zelenih odtenkov.

  4. Cute tree and I love your gorgeous watercolour background! Xx

  5. j'aime beaucoup la sobriété et la fraîcheur de ta création Kaja, biz

  6. I really like the splattered background! The pearl on the star is a great finishing touch.


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥