Danes je dan, ko imamo pri Come and get it nov izziv. Tokratna tema je sigurno pisana na kožo vsaki izmed vas, to je NAJLJUBŠA TEHNIKA.
Hi there,
Today is the day we have new Come and get it challenge. This weeks theme is for sure suited for all of you, it's FAVORITE TECHNIQUE.
Poglej moj izdelek:
Look at my card:

I decided I will use embossing because I really enjoy it and the effect that the embossing folder makes is just beautiful.
Uporabila sem digi našega sponzorja Oddball art - Mr. Sweets the fox. Sicer mi je barvanje lisičke delalo nekoliko težav, ampak mislim, da mi je na koncu, kar dobro uspelo. :)
I used the digi from our sponsor Oddball art - Mr. Sweets the fox. Even though I had some trouble coloring the fox I think that in the end it looks ok. :)
Upam, da je všeč tudi tebi in se nam boš v tem tednu pridružila. :)
I hope you like it too and that you will join us this week. :)
Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
You are welcome to visit my facebook page. :)
A lovely card and you have coloured Mr Sweets beautifully. Carol DTeamie
ReplyDeleteLuškana lisička, lepo si jo pobarvala.
ReplyDeleteLove your card !!!
Lynn, CAGI DT Teamie
Simpatična lisička in zelo lep vzorček embosirne srajčke. :-)
ReplyDeleteZelo je luštna in lepa voščilnica je nastala :-)) Tudi sama večkrat posežem po reliefnih mapicah in vse premalokrat jih uporabljamo.
ReplyDeleteZelo lepa voscilnica Kaja. Vsec so mi te nezne barve v ozadju. Lisicko si pobarvala cisto v redu.