Monday 14 March 2016

Prelepe orhideje

Se pozna, da vsak teden v tem semestru v ponedeljek nimam pouka in tako najdem več časa za ustvarjanje. Poglej kaj je nastalo danes:

Kot najverjetneje večina izmed vas sem se v Tinine orhideje tudi sama zaljubila in sedaj jih neprestano uporabljam. :)

No ja, ne bom dolga. Še izzivi:
Seize the birthday: GREAT DIVIDE (I divided my card with black line)

Ne pozabite se nam pridružiti pri novem Sassy sketcharinos izzivu. :)
Hvala, da me spremljaš! 

Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
You are welcome to visit my facebook page. :)


  1. Res so lepe te orhideje in krasno pridejo do izraza ne zelenem ozadju.

  2. This is so pretty! Love those bright flowers! Glad you joined us at FMS!

  3. Res so lepe. In tale barvna kombinacija jim prav paše. Za moj okus sicer drzna izbira ampak morda se tudi sama opogumim in kdaj naredim bolj intenzivno pobarvane ;-) Pozdravček,K.

  4. Gorgeous blooms and shading behind them! Beautiful card!

  5. Zelo lepo. Barve so tako udarne :) .... mi je všeč. Lp

  6. Beautiful! I love the watercolor background that accents the flowers and that bit of black for contrast. Thank you for playing PPA with us this week.

  7. These flowers are beautiful! I love the light dusting of green behind them. Thanks so much for playing along with this week’s PPA color challenge!

  8. Beautiful card, the flowers are gorgeous behind that stunning background! Thank you for joining us at Seize the Birthday!

  9. Všeč mi je kombinacija. Orhideje zelo lepo pridejo do izraza.


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥