Tokrat sem se odločila, da ne bom naredila normalne čestitke, ampak njeno manjšo okroglo verzijo, ki jo bom podarila sestrični v poletnih mesecih. :)
Hello there,
This time I decided not to make a normal card, so I made smaller version, that I will give to my cousin in summer time. :)
Tema današnjega Come and get it izziva je NAREDI SVOJ OKRASEK. Jaz sem se odločila, da bom iz filca izrezala srčka in ju prilepila zraven. Nastalo je tole:
Todays theme at Come and get it challenge is MAKE YOUR OWN EMBELLISHMENT. I decided to cut two hearts from the felt and glue it to my card. I made this:
The picture is a bit blurry because my camera istn't working as it should, but I think that you can see all the important details. :) The boy on the picture is digi from our sponsor Scrapper's delights - cu beach boy.
Hvala, da me spremljaš!
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Ta pa je za prave potapljače. Zelo poletna in kar "paše" v tem deževnem dnevu. Luštna je.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely adorable :) Love how you've done the background to look like water!! I'm sure your cousin will love it!!
ReplyDeleteSusan - CAGI teamie :)
Very cute card. Love the design. Judy
ReplyDeleteLustna cestitka Kaja. Zelo mi je vsec kako potapljac plava ven iz papirja. Cool idea :)