A veš tisti pregovor, ki pravi: Najboljše stvari se zgodijo, ko to najmanj pričakuješ? No, meni se je nekaj dni nazaj zgodilo ravno to!
Hello there,
To you know this saying: The best things happen when you least expect it? So, this happened to me few days ago!
Te zanima kaj se tako dobrega se je zgodilo? No nekaj dni nazaj, me kontaktirala Jane iz Jane's doodles in vprašala, če želim biti v njeni ustvarjalni skupini. Seveda sem rekla JA!!! Če njene trgovinice ne poznaš jo čim prej preveri, saj imajo noro dobre štampiljke! Jaz sem se v njih zaljubila že nekaj mesecev nazaj. :)
Do you want to know what happened? Few days ago Jane from Jane's doodles contacted me and asked if I want to be a part of her design team. Of course I said YES!!! If you aren't familiar with her designs yet, you have to check her shop cause her stamps are amazing! I fell in love with them few months ago when I discovered her shop. :)
Tukaj je že moja prva čestitka, ki sem jo naredila, kot članica tima! :)
Here you can see my first card I made as part of DT! :)
I used this awesome CAKE! set. You have to admit that every single one of the images and sentiments are gorgeous. Can't wait to create more with this stamps. :)
Jane se je odločila, da za moj prihod ponudi kar 30% popust na vse njene sete. To se pa že splača pogledati! Naj ti namignem še, da je Jane iz Hrvaške, tako da tudi poštnina iz njene trgovinice ni pretirano draga! :)
Jane decided to celebrate my arrival to the team with 30% off all her sets. Believe me, it's worth checking the shop! Let me just give you a hint, that Jane is from Croatia (Europe), so the shipping costs are really low for us Europeans. :)
Uživaj v dnevu in upam, da si boš v trgovinici našla nekaj zase. :)
Enjoy your day and I hope you will find something for you in the shop. :)
Ne pozabi pogledati tudi na Jane's doodles blog, kjer lahko najdeš veliko inspiracije!
Don't forget to check Jane's doodles blog where you can find a lot of inspiration!
I will add some challenges:
-Can you case it #139
-The paper players #314
-Cupcake inspirations #377: PARTY TIME
Hvala, da me spremljaš!
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Thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
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