Tuesday 22 November 2016

Snežakec s ptički - Snow man and birdies

Danes lahko mojo čestitko najdeš na Jane's doodles blogu. Te zanima kakšna je? :)
Hello there,
Today you can find my card on Jane's doodles blog. Do you want to see it? :)

Warm wishes
Ker se pripravljajo prazniki sem se odločila za bolj praznično voščilnico. Uporabila sem set imenovan Warm wishes. Barve sem pustila bolj nežne, saj sem želela, da vse ostane bolj zimsko in pozimi ne najdemo prav veliko močnih barv. :)
It's almost winter so I decided to make this winter card. I used the set called Warm wishes. I used soft colors because I wanted to leave it wintry and we don't find much of bright colors in the winter. :)

Poglej še našo čisto novo pridobitev! Vrstica z imenom in logom Jane's doodles. Meni je všeč :D
Look at our newest acquisition! It's the line with our name and Jane's doodles logo. I like it! :D

Seveda imam izbranih še nekaj izzivov:
Here are some challenges:
-Scrapping 4 fun #78: Christmas
-The paper players #332: CAS Christmas
-Make my monday #35: CAS Christmas

Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
You are welcome to visit my facebook page. :)


  1. This card makes me smile. Lovely!
    Lia, DT S4F

  2. What a beautiful card. Awesome.
    Thank you for joining us at Scrapping4funChallenge and waiting to see next time.
    Meena DT

  3. How fun! I love the little snowman and his birdie friends! A perfect CAS card! So happy you joined my challenge at The Paper Player this week! XX

  4. This is a cute stamp set. Love your sweet card.

  5. How cute! I love the lil birdies! That snowman looks so fun too. Thanks for sharing at The Paper Players, so happy you joined us!

  6. Adorable and cute Christmas card! Thanks for joining us at Scrapping4fun
    Tina dt

  7. Zelo je lepa :-))
    Hvala, ker se igraš z nami pri Scrapping4funChallenges.

  8. Hey
    beautiful work, wonderful colors and great Digi
    Thank you that you took the challenge on udiał Scrapping4funChallenges
    Agnieszka DT

  9. Beautiful!! Thank you for joining us at Scrpping4Fun :)

  10. This is a adorable card. The way you have stamped it you can almost imagine the snow piled up underneath him. Love the simplicity of your card! So glad you played with us at Make My Monday!


  11. Very pretty card. Love the cute snowman and the little birds. Thanks for joining us at Make My Monday Challenge.


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥