Upam, da si pripravljena na nekaj ekstra prikupnga! :)
Hello there,
Hope that you are ready for something really cute! :)
Jaz sem se zaljubila v tele veveričke! Odtiske mi je poslala prijateljica iz amerike in resnično razmišljam o tem, da bi jih vseeno kupila tudi jaz. :)
I'm in loooove with this stamp set! A friend of mine has sent the stamped images to me and I am really thinking about buying this set for myself! :)
Uporabila sem kar nekaj različnih setov štampiljk, da sem na koncu prišla do željenega rezultata. Vse skupaj sem pobarvala z alkoholnimi flomastri in prilepila skupaj z dvostranskim lepilom. :)

- Cas(e) this sketch #210
- City crafter #350: STICHING
- Simon says stamp: ANYTHING GOES
- Brownsugar #239: ANYTHING GOES
Hvala, da me spremljaš!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
- Inks: Memento - Tuxido black; Distress ink - Tea dye
- Stamps: Neat and tangled - My favorite nut; Jane's doodles - Nuts about you, Thankful; Wafle flower - Balloon messages; My favorite things - Happy hedgehogs
- Dies: Najlepši par - Romantique frames, Stiched rectangles
- Markers: Spectrum noir alcohol markers – BG3, BG5, BG7, CR1, TN5, TN6, TN9, EB4, LG4, CG4
- Paper: Rayher 300g - White; Neenah - desert storm
- Adhesive: Double sided foam tape; Double sided tape
- Embellishments: /
- Other: Scissors; Acrylic block; White gel pen
Prav simpatični sta ti dve veverički. Lepo si ju umestila v okvir.
ReplyDeleteOh my this is adorable!! Beautifully done! Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB!!
ReplyDeleteskweeeeee :o) Super cute!!!! :o) xx
ReplyDeleteKrasna, pobarvano v nulo.
ReplyDeleteSO pretty and how cute are those little squirrels inside that beautifully coloured acorn. Love the acorn paper and of course the great stitching. Thanks so much for playing along at CCCB.
Sem jo videla že na instagramu in me je takoj pritegnila. Zelo lepa.
ReplyDeleteAwe...this is adroable and such a lovely take on our theme. Thanks so much for joining us at CCCB!
ReplyDeleteI meant adorable :)
ReplyDeleteSuper sweet take on the sketch!
ReplyDeleteAwe so cute and fun
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing at Brown Sugar Challenges x