Friday 1 April 2016

Pomlad - Spring [Card mania #79]

Po enem mesecu je spet čas za izziv pri Card maniji. Tokrat je tema POMLAD, tako da je možnosti res ogromno. :)
Hello there,
The month has passed so it's time for Card mania challenge. The theme this month is SPRING, so there are many options what to show us. :)

Moja čestitka:
My card:

Spet sem se odločila za preprostejšo čestitko. Želela sem, da je v ospredju dekle zato nisem pretiravala z ozadjem. Zdi se mi, da že to dovolj prikaže veselje ob prihodu pomladi. :)
Again, I made quite a simple card. I wanted the girl to be in the center of attention so I didn't want to have too busy in the background. I think it shows enough of excitement about spring. :)

Danes imamo dva sponzorja, to sta creativity in pa Marianne design, tako da se res splača sodelovati! :)
,Today we have two sponsors, Creativity and Marianne design so you really should join us! :)

-Cardz for galz #19: SPRINGTIME
-The crafty addicts #12: SPRINGTIME
-Fairy tale #140: SPRING CARDS
-Simon says stamp Wednesday: ANYTHING GOES

Hvala, da me spremljaš!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Thanks for your attention and lovely comments.
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  1. O, kako krasna je. Super narejena trava.

  2. Super! The little lady is cute and sporty ;)
    Thank you for joining us at Fairytale-Challenge. Good luck!
    Ilse (thera)

  3. Love how modern this is! Great for spring :) Thanks for joining us at The Crafty Addicts and Good Luck! :)
    Annabel - Crafty Addicts DT.

  4. Se ji vidi, da uživa v pomladi. Luštna je. Lp

  5. kakšna super razigrana voščilnica in ta trava, vau ...

  6. Zelo všeč mi je zelena podlaga in dobrovoljna deklica na kolesu, ki uživa v pomladi. Super je.

  7. Luštna, razigrana voščilnica. Tale punca bo kar poletela z voščilnice. Všeč mi je!

  8. This is very cute! So fun and playful! Thanks so much for playing along with the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

  9. Oh, a very lovely Card - perfekt for joining springtime and thinking of childhood memories. Thanks for showing it for the springtime fairytale challenge


Thanks for your attention and lovely comments! ♥